Saturday, October 6, 2012

My love......

My dear precious husband Tommy,

You are my love forever....I cannot express how much love my heart holds for you. I only wish you were here to let me show you....Never had I known love until we met in 1986. That was such a blessing to me....

You showed me what love was all about and how to show my love....You taught me that we were the only important things...that we were the only thing that mattered...People come into your life and then they go....We never really cared about that...

We just cared for each other and our kids...Nothing else mattered....That is what made us unique....People could not understand or even relate to how we were and still are....Just because you are in the spirit world does not change anything.....

We will always be one and nothing or nobody can ever change that....Our love will stand the test of time...It will win....

I love you my precious husband....forever...

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik