Friday, May 25, 2012

Love of my life......

My dear precious husband Tommy,

You are the light of my life.....You are the only thing that makes me happy...I think of you all the time and know that I will get to see and be with you again someday is the only thing that keeps me strong.....

You left this world so early......I wish I could understand why....I know someday I will completely understand....I wish you were here holding my hand.....I know you are here in spirit...I feel you all the time.....

Life is so hard without you here helping me to deal with people....You always knew what to say and do.....You always said, "Ignore them Linda. They are jealous of you." I hear those words so often being whispered into my ear......

Well my babes I have to go for now...Going to eat breakfast with friends this morning....Please be there too.....I love you with all my heart.....

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik