Wednesday, October 26, 2011

October 26, 2011

I long to see your face....I long to hear your voice...There is an emptiness in our house now that you are gone.....The pain hurts and the crying never ceases.....Our hearts are full of pain and love for the only person who understood us......

Sunset for you Tommy

I have to be strong....I must carry on.....But know my precious Tommy that no matter how far I go or what is happening in my life... you are with me and that will never change....

I know someday we will unite and our family will once again be together....but its hard for us here on Mother Earth while you are soaring on Father Sky.....
Our sunset

The wind is our brother....He lets me hear your whispers....I know you are here watching over us.....

I remember the first time I saw you....Your smile...Your face....I wanted to share with you my life but was so afraid....You made it easy for me to show you my love.....You showed me unconditional love....You put your arms around me.....I felt an instant rush.....The whispers of your voice...revealing your tender love...The way you would comfort me and show me the right path....You kept me strong and would not let me falter.....So here is to our love which will always be....For our love for one another is unconditionally...We are soul mates....We are spirit mates....Remember, we, your you more each and every day..
I am working on a book about our life together: I titled it yesterday and the kids loved it...I hope you do too....

Title of our Book together...Forever
"Soul Mates: Spirit Mates"

Our love will remain
Your wife and kids,
Linda, Shae, & Erik